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High Vibee



Regular price $6.00 USD
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DragonBlood Sage is white sage covered in the DragonBlood resin. Once thought to be the blood of dragons that had perished in combat, DragonBlood is really the hardened resin of certain rare trees found in India and Sumatra. It has a natural red pigment and an earthy fragrance. DragonBlood is used to add potency to spells, for protection, and to create a meditative atmosphere. DragonBlood smudge sticks have the ability to cleanse stagnant energy. It also assists you with spiritual purification, communication, and anxiety issues. Both DragonBlood and Sage are great for purification and cleansing yourself after a long day of dealing with people. You can also use it to prepare yourself for spiritual work or after you finish. Size is approximately 4"/ 5"

What is Smudging?

The process of burning a bunch of burning dried herbs or leaves as this sage bundle is called smudging. It can be an easy walk through the home and allowing the smoke to clear the energy of the space or it can be as elaborate as a ceremony; where people drum, sing, chant while another person fans the smoke of the sage with a feather all around. Do the method that works best for you but remember that intent is important. Sage is burned to cleanse and purify. Once you are done with smudging you can use prayers, anointing oils, holy water, incense or Palo Santo to bless the space. By doing this we are inviting the angels and our ancestors to come into our space and take care of us.

How often should you smudge your space?

We always recommend going with your intuition. If you are reading this information now, there is a very good chance that you already have developed or are working on developing your intuitive skills. However, a good time to bring out the smudging stick would be:

  • After a healing session
  • If you have too many visitors in your space
  • After an argument or any stressful situation
  • When the planets are done doing fun things, such as an eclipse, a full or new moon night or after Mercury Retrograde (that's a big one)!
  • Before you start any prayers or rituals
  • If you have a lot of negative thoughts
  • When you feel weighed down by your emotions


Can you cleanse your crystals with your smudge stick?

Definitely yes! It’s the safest method to cleanse your crystals without having to worry if it will damage your crystals.

** Disclaimer: Sizes and shapes may vary since these are nature made items. These items should not be substituted for medical, mental, or legal issues. Please seek the appropriate help in addition to using this kit for spiritual purposes.(Listing is for 1 Sage Stick).

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