Want to learn more about your favorite crystals?

Look no further! The Vibeey Glossary has the info you need here!



    • Star Sign: Taurus

    • Planet: Venus

    • Element: Earth

    • Chakra: Heart

    Rose Quartz is a great crystal to promote a youthful appearance and soothe your skin. To benefit from its energy, you can put several Rose Quartz stones in your bath. You can also place Rose Quartz throughout your home and workplace to promote love, romance, and relationships. Carrying a small crystal with you can help ease general aches and pains. In addition, placing Rose Quartz in your bedroom can help balance your sex drive. If you're feeling stressed or anxious, you can use the energy of Rose Quartz to soothe and calm yourself.



    • Star sign: Aquarius

    • Planet: Uranus

    • Element: Air

    • Chakra: Crown

    Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone that can help enhance your aura and boost your self-esteem. You can place it throughout your home to promote relaxation, health, and happiness. Additionally, holding an amethyst can help ease headaches and migraines.

    Amethyst is known for its tranquilizing properties, helping to reduce stress and strain, soothe irritability, balance mood swings, and dispel anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. It can also alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolve negativity.

    Overall, amethyst can bring a revitalizing spiritual connection and promote a more positive outlook on life.



    • Star Sign: Leo

    • Planet: Sun

    • Element: Fire

    • Chakra: Sacral

    Carnelian is a powerful crystal that you can use to boost your energy levels and improve your self-esteem. If you need an extra push during a presentation, lecture, or live performance as a musician, simply keep a Carnelian in your pocket. It can also be beneficial to carry or wear one if you are feeling low due to a cold or illness. To keep yourself energized and focused during a retreat, make sure to bring a Carnelian with you. You can also place it around your home to enhance your self-esteem. Experience the invigorating and feel-good effects of Carnelian to revitalize yourself.



    • Star Sign: All Star Signs

    • Planet: All Planets

    • Element: All Elements

    • Chakra: All Chakras

    Quartz is a powerful healing crystal that can alleviate pain. Simply hold it against any sore area of your body and let it work its magic. To increase your focus and inspiration at work, place a few quartz crystals on your desk. If you want to bring light and happiness into your home, put a quartz crystal cluster in your living room. To feel more energized while you sleep, keep a quartz crystal by your bedside. You can even wear it as jewelry to surround yourself with healing energy throughout the day. If you're looking to meditate, try using a quartz crystal to sharpen your focus and clear your mind.



    • Star Sign: Leo

    • Planet: Sun

    • Element: Fire

    • Chakra: BaseWear

    Jasper is a great crystal to balance your aura. If you ever feel lonely, you can put Jasper next to your bed for comfort. Holding Jasper can help improve your accuracy when dowsing. You can also carry it with you to prevent illness. Placing Jasper around your home can help reduce arguments. Balancing Jasper can help you achieve your goals.



    • Star Sign: Capricorn

    • Planet: Saturn

    • Element: Earth

    • Chakra: Solar Plexus

    Hold Tiger's Eye crystal when you are feeling indecisive, and it will help you gain the confidence to take the necessary steps. You can keep it in your purse or wallet as a reminder of your inner strength. You can even carry it as a talisman to enhance your intuition. Placing Tiger's Eye around your home will protect you and your loved ones from negativity and fear. This powerful crystal can also help you begin new chapters in your life and give you the courage to move forward. By strengthening your resolve, Tiger's Eye can help you embody the boldness associated with the tiger.



    • Star sign: Cancer

    • Planet: Mercury & Mars

    • Element: Water

    • Chakra: Heart

    Green Aventurine is a crystal for grounding and stability. If you have a tendency to overthink or ruminate over situations and get stuck in your mind, green aventurine will help bring you back to your physical body and your connection to earth. You can use green aventurine to manifest money, finances and Success.



    • Star Sign: Sagittarius

    • Planet: Jupiter

    • Element: Fire

    • Chakra: Brow

    Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone that can help enhance your natural abilities. Placing Lapis Lazuli in your bathroom can promote relaxation, and gifting it to your partner can strengthen your relationship. It is also known to have uplifting qualities and can help relieve depression. Keeping it around your home and office can increase your productivity and help you organize your life more efficiently. If you have trouble sleeping, placing Lapis Lazuli under your pillow can help relieve insomnia. This gemstone is also said to enhance wisdom and bring a sense of wonderment.